Technical Applications & Consulting
TAC was established with an industry focus on airborne remote sensing, mapping, and geospatial products and services. Over the past decade, TAC has focused on client satisfaction by providing quality geospatial products, services, and solutions. TAC’s founding employees were heavily involved in cutting edge DOD airborne Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) deployed around the world over the last twenty-two plus years. Inspired by our DOD ISR community and its mission focus, dedication, and professionalism, TAC applied these same key attributes to the commercial airborne remote sensing sector here at home.
Our company provides innovational geospatial solutions utilizing the latest aerial LiDAR, Orthoimagery, Multispectral, and Hyperspectral sensors. We work closely with our clients to ensure the best geospatial products and services are collected for their project. Our success is based on a foundation of excellent customer service, providing highly accurate data, and delivery of the product on time and on budget. We provide advanced solutions to wind and energy companies, engineering firms, city, state, and government agencies to list just a few.
“We believe in dedication to the mission and refuse to sacrifice quality for quantity.”
Our Work
We pride ourselves on meeting and exceeding customer expectations and requirements by providing high quality services and support on time and on budget. Here are a few examples of what we do…

Our Services
TAC provides aerial acquisition services as well as data processing and extraction services to a variety of clients nationwide. Here are some examples of the services we provide…
Aerial Acquisitions

TAC owns and operates multiple advance airborne LiDAR systems such as the Optech Galaxy T2000, that are coupled with 150 MP medium format metric mapping cameras. All of our systems can be deployed on helicopter or fixed wing aircraft. We have the right equipment for the job.
3 Band Imagery
TAC owns and operates multiple Phase One 150 MP RGB aerial cameras as well as multiple 100 MP RGB airborne cameras. All cameras are mounted in gyro stabilized mounts and capable of collecting up to 1-inch resolution. All of our systems are calibrated regularly to ensure the highest quality data possible.
4 Band Imagery
TAC owns and operates multiple 4 band aerial camera systems. We deploy the Phase One 150 MP RGBcIR aerial cameras systems as well as the Ultracam family of 4 band systems. All systems are mounted in gyro stabilized mounts and have advanced flight management systems with Applanix positioning systems.
Simultaneous LiDAR & Imagery
TAC can deploy any of our remote sensing technology simultaneously. This reduces mobilization cost of multiple aircraft and improves data quality by providing matching LiDAR, imagery, video and obliques. Our clients find this extremely effective for utility corridor applications and change detection.
Data Processing & Extraction

LiDAR Calibration & Post Processing
TAC has collected, calibrated and processed more than forty thousand square miles of LiDAR over the past few years and growing. We have collected data for clients such as BLM, FEMA, USFS, USGS, DOI, USACE, SDDOT, KDOT, ODOT, various local governments, utility providers, and a variety of engineering firms across the US. TAC collects, calibrates, and processes LiDAR data per our client’s project specifications. We use industry standard LiDAR processing software as well as internally developed tools for calibrating and processing LiDAR data sets. We have robust workstations and servers specifically built to process large LiDAR datasets quickly. We have established proven automated and technician aided quality assurance functions into our post processing workflows.
Orthorectification & Orthomosaics
TAC has rectified and mosaiced hundreds of thousands of orthoimage tiles and routinely delivers multi-spectral (4-band), true color and color infrared (3-band) data formats at Ground Sample Distance (GSD) resolutions ranging from 1-inch to 1-meter. Our experience includes processing data from almost every commercially available analog and digital imaging sensors, throughout various topography. We have advanced software and multiple purpose-built workstations and servers dedicated to AT and ortho production.
TAC is highly experienced in the development of GIS cartographic products in both paper and digital formats. We use the best available, accurate and timely data for analysis and decision support to create and produce standard or custom map products using existing data layers, new data layers, or analysis layers. TAC has extensive capabilities collecting, processing, and compiling geospatial data deliverables in support of non-military, civil works projects. We have 15 high-performance computer workstations and licenses of all required software to meet project requirements along with highly experienced GIS technicians, GIS analyst and CADD technicians who specialize in the development of plan drawings, surface models, Esri data files, geodatabases and other deliverables.
TAC is committed to ethical business practices, integrity and technical expertise. We strive to consistently provide the highest quality airborne remote sensing, geospatial products, mapping, modeling and GIS services possible for a fair price. We believe the right people, the right equipment, and the right technical approach align to generate project success.